Frequently asked questions !!

Welcome to the Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA). FAQs page, where we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you learn more about our organization and our work.

We became the best by adopting a unique approach. Our participatory and collaborative process, gender-balance, need-based community outreach, commitment to human rights and sustainability, and accountability to donors and supporters set us apart. This approach earned us the trust and support of the community, allowing us to achieve our goals effectively.

At QAFELA, we offer a range of programs and services to address pressing community needs, including disaster response, education, livelihood initiatives, and advocacy programs. We strive to deliver these with care, compassion, and transparency, continuously seeking to improve and innovate. Partner with us to create lasting and sustainable change, promote social welfare, and improve the lives of the most vulnerable in our community.

We provide our services with a focus on quality, transparency, and efficiency. Our team works closely with the community to identify needs and design effective programs. We maintain transparency and accountability and seek to build sustainable solutions. We continuously improve our services through feedback and innovation, making a real difference in the lives of those we serve.

We raise funds for charity through various channels, including individual donors, corporate partnerships, and fundraising events. We use a strategic approach, monitoring and evaluating our efforts, and maintaining transparency and accountability. We collaborate with other organizations and community groups to maximize our impact and create positive change.

Still have a questions ?

If you still have questions about Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA). please do not hesitate to contact us.

Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA). is dedicated to building a better world and working towards a better society. They inspire others to take action and make a positive impact. Their commitment to partnerships and collaborations makes them a valuable ally in creating a better future for all.


Benefits & what we do ?

We fund charity through a multi-faceted approach. We collect funds from individual donors and reach out to far-flung areas to expand our donor base. We conduct need assessments and prioritize support for the most vulnerable groups. We maintain a transparent record of our funds and undergo regular audits to ensure accountability. Our supporters are informed about the use of their funds, allowing us to build trust and sustain our programs.

As an organization, QAFELA manages the funds raised through a well-structured process. We maintain a transparent and comprehensive record of our finances, which undergo regular audits by reputable third-party firms. We ensure that the funds are utilized effectively and efficiently by prioritizing the most critical needs of our community. We keep our donors informed about the allocation and impact of their funds, ensuring that they have confidence in our work. Additionally, we implement strict financial controls and continuously seek feedback to improve our practices.

Donating to QAFELA is a straightforward process. You can visit our website to make an online donation, or contact us to inquire about other donation options such as bank transfers or checks. We also accept donations in-kind, such as clothing, food, and other essential items. When donating, we encourage donors to specify the program they would like their donation to support. We maintain a transparent record of all donations and provide our donors with regular updates on the impact of their contribution. Your donation will go towards supporting the most vulnerable members of our community, and we greatly appreciate your support.

You can also click on “donate” button and send funds to our bank account.

At QAFELA, we work for social welfare through a multi-faceted approach. We provide support during disasters, focus on vulnerable groups, promote education and well-being, and carry out advocacy programs for the rights of women and children. This holistic approach enables us to create lasting change and promote social welfare in our communities.

Still have a questions ?

If you still have questions about QAFELA, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Donate us

“Every Contribution Counts”

Account Title: “Quick Change Association for Educational Promotion Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA)”



Currency: PKR

Account Number: 1151005009910001

IBAN: PK11MCIB1151005009910001