About us

QAFELA NGO (Registered under societies Registration Act 1860 & Khyber Pakhtunkhwa charity commission Act 2019)


We passionately engage in charitable endeavors to make a positive impact locally and beyond.

Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA) is a Non Government Organization (NGO) working in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The inspiration behind the establishment of the organization is the affiliation of some of its founding members with the IRC (International Rescue Committee), FAO (Food and Agriculture organization), FATA LDP (FATA Livelihood Development Program of USAID), Islamic Relief -UK etc. These members of the NGO Board of Governors (BOG) introduced the idea to other like-minded social workers and development professionals across the province to launch an organization that would not only continue their efforts to invest in the social capital the approach and efforts in other backward areas of the province. The outcome of these deliberations and efforts was the creation of QAFELA in the year 2009, and Registered in 2011 under Societies Registration Act 1860. Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA) is also Registered in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Charity Commission. As is clear from the name, QAFELA means traveling together for peace and prosperity by addressing conflict and calamity as well as the various capitals that contribute to the development of a community. Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA) is a Non-Government organization dedicated to social & economic development with due regard for ecological conservation, gender mainstreaming and social protection, specially focusing on the backward areas. The founding members have got rich experience in social, engineering, participatory development, gender mainstreaming and poverty alleviation initiatives through resource management in a systematic approach. The NGO focuses on the ignored and marginalized segments of the society like the poor, women and people living in remote mountainous regions, thus empowering and enabling them to bring them on the grassroots level to the mainstream of development process.

Majority of the members of the board and general bodies of Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA) bring rich experience from reputable national and international organizations.  The NGO has got a pool of experienced and dedicated workers with specialization in social mobilization and community development, community empowerment, livelihoods, emergency response, conflict resolution, coordination and management of social sector development Protection, promotion of human rights and advocacy projects/programs. QAFELA’s multi-disciplinary team of professionals is governed by a Board of Governors, which is the policy making forum for the organization. The team of Quick-Change Association for Educational Promotion, Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA) is led by a highly experienced Chairman Board of Governors having worked on senior management positions with FATA LDP of USAID, FAO/ERRA Livelihoods Rehabilitation Project, IRC Pakistan, EIROP Composite Training Program, PPTA for FRDP of Pakistan Participatory Poverty Assessment of DFID and PCP and Kalam Integrated Development Project of SDC/IC and Go KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA. He is also having international experience in Doha Qatar. The Chairman Board of Governors is supported by Executive Director, Operations Manager, Program Manager/ Sector Specialists and Regional Program Managers, MEAL Manager, Protection Manager and Health Coordinator. The Executive Director leads the NGO team in program planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, coordination and donors’ reporting. He arranges the meetings of the Board of Governors on need basis to get various policies approved by the board. For every regional office in the program areas, there are Program Managers supported by support staff in their duties. For the implementation of every project, apart from the volunteer staff, the organization also owns a Support Group that at the moment comprises 15 members and also women Volunteer Network Forum (VNF) comprises 50 women having experience and expertise in various sectors. They work on voluntary basis for the organization on need basis.


Establishment of a prosperous society, based on the principles of social justice, equity and equality.


To contribute to poverty reduction through community empowerment, awareness, education and social sector development.,

No poverty
Best education
Gender Equality
Good health
Women Empowerment
Livelihood Development

Help is our main goal !!

To harness people’s potentials and capabilities to promote self supporting system of community development.

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“Every Contribution Counts”

Account Title: “Quick Change Association for Educational Promotion Livelihood Development and Awareness (QAFELA)”



Currency: PKR

Account Number: 1151005009910001

IBAN: PK11MCIB1151005009910001